So, I went to almighty craigslist to see what I could see. I found a lot of imperial guard and space marines with some necrons for $300. I talked the seller down to $200 for the lot, and my brother and I split the cost, as he plays Imperial Guard. What we got amazed me. He pulled in a Baneblade, 2 Basilisks, 2 Leman Russes, Castellan Creed with Color Sergeant Kell, and about 70 Cadian troopers of differing configurations. I got 28 marines, 18 heavy weapons marines, 5 special weapon marines, 12 scouts with 2 missile launchers and 10 sniper rifles, a vindicator, a vindicaire assassin, and some other random pieces. So, without further ado, here are some pictures of that amazed, be very amazed.
Yep, I have a probe droid for no other purpose than having a probe droid. Makes a great objective marker.
Dual wielding storm trooper sergeant. Awesome.
Stormtroopers!! Most of the army was Star Wars themed.
To include scout troopers...
...a trooper apothecary and emperor's guard...
..a storm trooper looking all beefy and stuff...and last but not least (drum roll please)...
...yes folks, it's Darth Vader himself. Oh yeah, I'm that cool.
Well, those are the highlights of the lot. Out.
Chapter Master Drakur Kanotae Redragon
Angelus Mortis, Blood Angels Successor