Sunday, July 31, 2011

Battle of Guran Plains, Subjugation of Margoth

Epistolary Carrick stood on the hill overlooking the plains below.  He allowed himself a smile, looking over the forces of Hive Fleet Tartarus.  It wasn't the first time that they would meet.  On Addassartus and on Gunron, Tartarus and Angelus Mortis had clashed hard and fast.  He had been a part of both campaigns, and this one would be no different.  He looked to the sergeant standing nearby.

"Sergeant Yarro, assemble your terminator squad and follow me.  Sgt Estar, place half your squad at the back of the field, and take the other half with the razorback and surge forward.  Sgt King, take your assault squad with the Redeemer and ram it straight into the enemy lines," Carrick ordered.  "Drive the enemy back to their damned tendril and back into the deep dark of space!"

With that, he led the charge forward at the head of five terminators.  Storm bolters belched explosive rounds into the carnifexes barreling towards them.  With a crack of energy, a red lance darted from his fingertips, slicing through one of the lumbering beasts.  The cyclone launcher on the back of one of the terminators fired several high explosive rounds into a beast.

Lascannon fire from the razorback and heavy bolter rounds cracked the sky, tearing into the other creatures that took the field.  In moments, Carrick and his terminators were within striking distance.  He brandished his force sword and struck down one of the mighty beasts, pouring his anger and hatred into the psychic force of the attack.  The other beast fell before the combined might of power fists striking home against it.

Suddenly, the ground underneath shook with violence that threatened to bring the entire force to its knees.  Rising from the ground was a feared creature, a Trygon Prime.  It fired off several great salvos into Carrick and his men, forcing the sergeant into unconsciousness.  Without hesitation, Carrick plunged his sword into the great creature, focusing his entire mind into the strike.  The warp threatened to claw through his psyche and rip him to shreds, but he forced it back down and into his strike.  With a great shudder, the beast fell to the ground.

As the beast hit the ground, Sgt Estar took his half of the squad and led an attack to mop up the remaining gaunts nearby.  Sgt King led his assault squad into the maw of the enemy hive tyrant, risking life and limb in the assault against the much larger and more powerful creature.  The thirst for blood took over, and King's Krushers charged without fear or hesitation.  The hive tyrant couldn't hope to stand against the onslaught and fell to the powerful soldiers.  With his death, the enemy had been driven from the plains.  Carrick led his men to secure the territory when a vox came in from Drakur, the Chapter Master.

"Epistolary Carrick, you have done well.  Your success is to be highly lauded.  Your forces are to pull back and secure a nearby manufactorum.  The position will be easier to defend, and the benefits will be of much use to our continued endeavours."

"As you command, my lord."

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